If more than one account is being debited, or more than one account is being credited, then more than 2 lines would be required. Some imports, require 2 or more lines per record or transaction minimally 2 lines are required: one for the debit side of the transaction, and one for the credit side of the transaction. Some imports require 1 line per record or transaction. While AccountEdge can import either comma-separated or tab-delimited text files, there is certain formatting that it requires for the different types of information that can be imported. When importing data from a QIF file into AccountEdge, you will need to change the file name extension of the QIF file from.AccountEdge does not import employee payroll checks, inventory quantities, or inventory values, but you can import inventory adjustments.The following information can be imported from the File > Import Data drop-down menu: The rest of this article will provide information on which information can be imported and export, the order in which you should import information, troubleshooting tips and more. It is generally recommended to use the comma-seperated text file format. AccountEdge can import from and export to either comma-separated or tab-delimited text files.